Here’s The Latest Bukalapak Call Center to Make Complaints
Here’s The Latest Bukalapak Call Center to Make Complaints

Here’s The Latest Bukalapak Call Center to Make Complaints: ILYASWEB

 For those of you who experience problems or want to know the latest information, then this is a call center open via phone and social media that you can contact. The integrated information service center of one of the largest e-commerce applications in Indonesia actively serves consumers for a full 24 hours. So, you don’tneedto hesitate to contact the Bukalapak call center if you experience problems when shopping.

Because, the Bukalapak team will help deal with obstacles, complaints, criticisms, and suggestions from consumers. This is as a commitment of Bukalapak who wants to maintain customer satisfaction related to shopping through online media. So, the Bukalapak team will quickly respond to all complaints or complaints from consumers.

The Importance of The Role of Bukalapak Call Center in the Eyes of Consumers

The call center or integrated information center alerted by this company is tasked with answering, finding solutions, and accommodating the aspirations of all consumer complaints or complaints. Therefore, call centers play an important role in maintaining the confidence of consumers in using products from the company.

Same with Bukalapak. One of the largest e-commerce companies in Indonesia provides a call center that is active 24 hours in 7 days. There are 3 ways that you can use to connect to the call center service from Bukalapak. First, you can use an interactive phone service.


Second, you can send messages via social media or email. And third, you can directly use the Open Help menu available on the application. This is the Bukalapak call center that you can use when experiencing obstacles or problems when shopping in Bukalapak.


So, you can choose the call center service that has been provided by the Bukalapak team. Try to choose bukalapak call center service according to the type of complaint you feel when shopping.

Types of Complaints Consumers Open and Must Contact The Call Center

Bukalapak is indeed one of the marketplace applicators that always respond to all complaints and input from consumers. All complaints of Bukalapak consumers were immediately responded well. Therefore, these are the types of complaints that must be resolved by contacting the Bukalapak call center. Among them are as follows:

  1. Orders That Don’t Come

It is quite troubling if the order package does not come. For this reason, consumers need clarity regarding the package of orders that have been purchased. So, this is the Bukalapak call center that you must contact. In addition to contacting the Bukalapak call center, you also have to contact the delivery party. The goal is that you get more detailed package information.


  1. Incompatibility of Purchased Products

Call center Bukalapak also serves as a mediator between sellers and buyers. Sometimes, buyers feel that there is fraud committed by the seller. So, the buyer submits a complaint to the call center. And the call center will forward reports from consumers to the relevant section for the investigation process.


  1. Constraints When Withdrawing Balance

Sometimes, sellers or sellers in Bukalapak often have difficulty when withdrawing the balance of selling results. This could be caused by an application undergoing maintenance or other factors. This is the Bukalapak call center that you must contact so that the balance of selling funds can be immediately disbursed to the seller’s account.


  1. Not Getting Promo Benefits

If consumers do not get the benefits of the promo held, then you can contact the call center. Because, there are several factors that cause consumers not to get promo benefits organized by Bukalapak. For more details, you can ask directly to the call center from Bukalapak.

Here’s The Call Center Bukalapak Via Interactive Phone and Social Media That Is Active 24 Hours

To submit complaints, complaints, criticisms, and suggestions after shopping at Bukalapak, then you can directly contact the application call center. Bukalapak is very open if there are several consumers who want to submit complaints and suggestions.


No wonder if this Bukalapak call center is available in the form of interactive phones to social media. In fact, in the Bukalapak application there is also a call center service that is ready to help you to find a solution to the complaints or obstacles experienced.


You can choose the types of call centers that have been alerted by the Bukalapak team. If the complaints or obstacles you experience are urgent, then this is the Bukalapak call center via interactive phone that must be contacted.


You can call (021) 50813333. This interactive phone from Bukalapak stands by 24 hours to help consumers who experience problems when shopping in Bukalapak.


And if you experience complaints that are not urgent or want to convey criticism and suggestions, then you can contact the call center from Bukalapak through social media.


You can send a direct message (DM) through bukalapak Twitter account on @BukaBantuan. In addition to sending direct messages (DM), you can also provide comments that will later be replied by the social media team from Bukalapak.


In addition, you can also submit complaints through electronic messages or emails. And here is the Bukalapak call center via email at For the subject of the message, please write a complaint that you feel when shopping at bukalapak. Then, attach evidence in the form of images, videos, or screenshots.


Comparison of Call Centers Provided by Bukalapak

As one type of application for online shopping, Bukalapak  has also alerted a call center that is ready to serve consumers for  24 hours in 7 days. So, you can report obstacles on weekends are still served by the assistance provided  by Bukalapak.


There are some consumers who compare the performance of the Bukalapak call center. On average, consumers consider that Bukalapak call center services through this interactive phone connection are more responsive.


Because, service through this interactive telephone connection is usually for complaints that are urgent. So, the officer will provide solutif measures. Tidak wondered if this is the Bukalapak call center which is always busy handling complaints from users.


However, you are charged a call fee to contact the Bukalapak call center via this interactive phone. So, make sure you have enough credit to contact the integrated information center from Bukalapak.


Some consumers also mentioned that submitting complaints through social media such as twitter and email takes longer. Because, call center officers from Bukalapak through social media are also in charge of replying to incoming direct messages (DM) from other consumers.


Thus, the completion process takes longer than using an interactive phone call center. It’s just that there is no cost to contact the Bukalapak call center via this social media. So, here is an alternative Bukalapak call center if you can’t contact the officer via an interactive phone connection.


Bukalapak is one of the largest marketplace applications in Indonesia. So tidak wonder if it has many call centers to make it easier for consumers to submit complaints or complaints. For that, this is the Bukalapak call center that you can contact when you have difficulty in shopping.

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